Tuesday 19 June 2018

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Come and say hi. I share a lot of recipes that are easy to make. Most of the recipes are the ones I personally use myself. They're really easy to make and if I can make it, you can too. Best part is they are all CHEMICAL FREE!

Note that I only use Young Living Essential Oils for all my blends and recipes. If you use other brands, you may not be able to get the same health benefits as mine.


We also have our Facebook page that you can follow. Click on this link below to check out the Facebook page


Other than sharing on the recipes, I also share articles on Essential Oils. Of course I am bias when it comes to Essential Oils as I am only using Young Living oils (they're the best!) but the articles that I share are not necessarily only Young Living articles. At the end of the day, I've made up my mind on what is the best for me, you are free to decide what is best for yourself and your family.

Come and say hello! I won't bite!

Essential Oils are NOT medicine

I read this article recently and it gave me a shock. Being a user myself, of course this kind of article gives me major alarm bells. If you haven't read it, you can click on this link right here:

Child dies after mum replaces asthma medicine with essential oils

First and foremost, you must always remember that Essential Oils (EO) are not medicines and SHOULD NOT be use in replacement of medicine. When in doubt, please seek professional help and health practitioners i.e. your doctor.

Essential Oils that I use are 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils by Young Living. They are of course very powerful with many therapeutic benefits. I need to stress here that not ALL essential oils out there are 100% pure therapeutic grade therefore, you need to do your own research to ensure that the EO you use are 100% pure. Young Living and its Seed to Seal quality control can give you this guarantee. Hence, I have a clear peace of mine when I use Young Living essential oils on myself and my loved ones.

I also always ensure that I use my EO in a proper way to get its health benefits. Having said this, if my child (or myself) is sick, I will still seek treatment from a doctor. I do not just replace medicine with EO because as I've mentioned, EOs are NOT medicine. You need to do educate yourself on what treatments are needed and available for a particular illness. Do your own research because you know what is good for yourself and your family.

This article is a good article to give you the Dos and Donts of EO for children. To recap:

1. Always DILUTE when you are using EO on your kids. A little goes a long way and children do not need as much to get the full benefits of EO.

2. When you dilute the EO, use a carrier oil that is suitable for your kid's skin. Make sure you test out which carrier oils before using for the whole body as some carrier oil can also be too harsh for the little ones.

3. Do not give EO internally to your kids. EO are very potent. It is best to just apply it topically.

4. Dont ingest EO when you are pregnant.


Young Living Malaysia Premium Starter Kit

Premium Starter Kit by Young Living is the best starter kit for you to get because it has all the important oils to start your "Chemica...